10 Simple Tips To Improve Your Sex Life

Sex life is often connected with contentment and life satisfaction. It's part of the ingredients needed for a balanced life. We sometimes touted sex as a past-time and not something fundamental to being human. Yet, sex can tighten our bond with another person. It's the way to continue our species, too. So, we need to work hard to improve sex lives. There are health supplements that are created to enhance our sex lives, helping us be more energetic and contented with our sexual activities. Many herbs, roots, and spices have been used for centuries to aid mediocre sexual performance.

Chinese medicine has thousands of years of heritage in helping men to procreate. If you're searching for 10 supplements for improved sex life, there is a wealth of options available. 

Number 1: Tongkat Ali

The strongest dosage of Tongkat Ali is 200:1 is often created through water-based methods, which means the plant's active agents are retained here. The question is: why do we want so much of the active ingredients? Well, to begin with, Tongkat Ali, also known as Long Jack or Malaysian Ginseng, is an aphrodisiac. There is a large body of evidence supporting the role of this supplement in encouraging sexual desire. Some anecdotal evidence says this is one of the best aphrodisiacs on the market.

The chemicals in Tongkat Ali supplements are pro-testosterone and anti-estrogen – so, they can enhance your male hormones. Nothing wrong with that – in any situation. The effects of this pro-testosterone are to make you more fertile though increased sperm production and boost fertility. Its anti-estrogen effects are said to be as powerful as Tamoxifen - a medicine that's used by cancer patients - when the active ingredient is injected – so this is powerful stuff!

Tongkat Ali can boost testosterone and  also help your sex life, as it is a pro-erectile agent. The molecule 9-hydroxycanthin-b-one is associated with delayed ejaculation – so not only will it help to gain an erection, but it will help you sustain it for much longer. If the stimulating effects feel too much to believe in, then try it for your self. You can surely ward off inhibitions in the bedroom and improve your sex life because of the added energy.


Number 2: Maca

Maca, called the Peruvian Ginseng or Lepidium Meyenic, is also known as a supplement that can act as a diet aid. Improving your body shape can help with your sex life – so it's worth using the supplement to inspire higher self-esteem. Maca also enhances libido and boosts energywhich is beneficial when in the bedroom.

The tale of the Maca root is inspiring in itself. It grows at 13,000 feet in the Peruvian Andes. It survives in hard, rocky soil, and the roots, drawing all the vitamins and minerals it can from the rocks and the soil. It is filled with many of the essential vitamins and minerals we needed in life.

Native Peruvian have used this herb for thousands of years and they claimed that anyone who takes the root will reach old age and be sexually active – therefore, enjoying virility even in old age. The supplement is seen as a treatment for fatigue and weakness as it can increase sexual desire and stamina.

 Number 3: Yohimbe

Yohimbe, a fat-burning compound like Maca, can help improve your body shape and later self-esteem. Yohimbe is also an aphrodisiac. It is a stimulant and works by increasing the adrenaline levels in the body. Therefore, not only does it increase desire, but it also aids in the process of achieving an erection. There is no need to wait for erectile dysfunction before you take this supplement – many people take the supplement to improve their erection or maintain an erection longer.

This supplement is best taken on an empty stomach – so take it before eating or when you're in a fasting period. It is highly stimulating, and you might want to consume the supplement gradually before increasing the dosage.

Number 4: Red Ginseng

This supplement is known as the herbal Viagra and "the male remedy" by some Chinese herbalists. The FDA has banned many supplements that call themselves herbal Viagra. However, Red Ginseng is not included in the restrictive products because it can be handled by the body. Taking 600-1000mg three times a day is seen as safe. The red ginseng works by improving your erection - therefore, you can be certain of your sex performance and go for much longer erection. The confidence that you get from the supplement may only be a placebo, but it can still help make your sex life better.

A Korean study suggests that it can act as a placebo though it shows 60% effectivity when men took a dose of 150mg three times a day. The supplement breaks down cortisol in the body, which is created with stress. Over 80% of men cited stress as being the killer of their sex-lives, which means taking red ginseng can improve their sexual experience because it can fight the chemical causing excess stress.

Many studies suggest that Panax Ginseng can improve sexual function and can come as a cream. As a cream, it can help with premature ejaculation, which for your partner, is a benefit. A side effect is an insomnia, which you might feel to be negative – however, it might also help make an all-night sexual experience possible – always worth looking for the silver lining in all situations!

Number 5: L-arginine

L-arginine is an amino acid that occurs naturally in the body and helps make nitric oxide. Nitric oxide improves the blood flow throughout the body – and is also good for heart health. It helps improve your sex life because it can promote proper blood flow that reaches the penis. A 1999 study of men taking 5 grams a day orally for 6 weeks found that the supplement had a significant impact on 31% of men. This was part of a study for the treatment of erectile dysfunction, but there is no need to wait until there is a problem to improve the quality of your erection.

Number 6: L-citrulline

L-citrulline is also an amino acid that is found in high concentration in water melon. You can eat lots and lots of watermelon and risk the potential toilet issues that come from being that well-hydrated – or you can take the supplement to get this compound and improve the flow of blood to your penis.

Number 7: Gingko Biloba

This supplement comes from the Chinese Maidenhair Tree, which helps with circulatory problems and fatigue. Research in Sweden has been proven that the flavonoids – the active ingredient in the tree – can beat sluggish and improve blood circulation. A clinical trial recently showed it was 84% effective in treating impotence caused by depression. The suggested dosage is between 40 – 80mg three times a day. The suggestion that this is a remedy to a poor sexual experience. This might be a positive choice for maintaining and improving your mood too, perfect if you know you're susceptible to depression. It is also thought to have the plant's ability, potential to increase blood flow – so it can help to gain and maintain an erection, too.

Number 8: Cinnamon, ginger, and cloves

This sounds like an ingredient list for your favorite meal. It's right that you can get the active ingredient from your food. However, to be effective in improving your sex-life, you need doses far higher than you can gain from your standard meal. Taking supplements taken from these spices are said to literally warm up the blood. There is no clinical evidence to suggest these supplements act as an aphrodisiac but many cultures have used them for centuries to improve sexual drive. Sometimes history is superior to science. If people have been using the herbs as supplements, then it is likely because they have been pleased with the results. It seems logical – don’t you think?

Number 9: St John’s Wort

For the final two tips on the list to improve your sex life, there is going to be a slightly different approach. The truth is that our sex life is impacted by our approach to life in general. If we have low mood and high anxiety, then the chances to relax and be sexually driven and perform in a way that nurtures their needs are low even to the people we care about.


St John’s Wort is a well-known herbaceous shrub used to help with depression and low mood in general. It has been used since the times of Ancient Greece in the treatment of nervous disorders. Remember what was said about history – well – this is some history! The supplement contains hypericin which impacts in a similar way to serotine uptake inhibitors, such as Prozac. This essentially raises the levels of serotonin available to the brain. Serotonin is the brain's natural happy drug and will, over a period of time, help to give you a general sense of well-being. So, with a dosage of 300mg, three times a day will over time help you to feel generally better about life.

The links to improving your sex life are obvious – the better you feel about life, the more comfortable you feel within yourself, the more likely you are likely to see opportunities with your partner to enjoy each other’s company and the more, you are likely to relax into the event. Be aware that St John’s Wort can interact with anti-depressants, so talk to your doctor before taking the supplement.


Number 10: Whey Protein and BCAA

Here is another way of the look at your sex-life. If you see it as an Olympic event – as something that takes energy, stamina, endurance – then treating your sex-life like it is a workout in the gym might have some merit. This is not to suggest that midway through the sexual act you stop and shake your whey tub but it is to suggest that improved fitness, in general, will improve your sex life. One of the biggest influences on your sexual performance is your weight. Obese men are more likely to have erectile dysfunction or be dissatisfied with their sexual performance. The reasons are obvious both physiologically and psychologically, it is an act of the body and the mind and both are inhibited by carry weight.

Therefore, using protein whey shakes to help you work out better and BCAA to help the protein reach your muscles will improve your sex-life. Yes, this is essentially telling you to get your butt out there and exercise to improve performance – but this is actually pretty sound advice – as much as we hate to consider this possibility. A healthy body will have better blood flow – will have stronger muscles that will hold erections better – and will keep you active for longer into the night. And let’s face it, and you will feel damn fine – so you will believe that your partner will want to have sex with you. There is nothing more powerful than confidence to work wonders on your sex life. So, get your kit on, workout, drink your whey shake and then feel like you can do anything!