Why Your Stomach Will Love Licorice

Over the past few decades, there has been a shift in the lifestyle and diet of today’s generation. Due to imbalanced and erratic hormonal production and cycle, most of us have less of the necessary hormones and more of the ones that are not that necessary.

Cortisol levels have dramatically risen due to poor diet, improper nutrition, and alcohol consumption. People with chronic acidity rarely attribute their acidity levels to cortisol. However, acidity in the stomach that usually forms into ulcers, in the long run, is usually caused by high levels of cortisol in the body. The body manifests the level of calmness and peace of a person’s state of being through his health. When a person is quite stress-reactive and easily angered due to hormonal imbalance or heightened neurotransmitters, it is quite usual for a person’s stomach to produce unnecessary and excess acid. And when there is excess acid, acid reflux, gastritis and ulcers are likely to occur.  

There are natural remedies, in the form of their natural and raw form or supplements that work alongside medication to expedite healing. It may also be helpful to turn to natural remedy first when the conditions are not that grave.

Medical treatments of peptic ulcer comprising of antacids are considered standard treatment for digestion or acid related problems in the stomach. However, they only block the effects of an ulcer. Fortunately, there is an effective natural remedy that allows the defense mechanism of the body to prevent ulcer formation.

Licorice - A Natural Remedy for Ulcers and Acid Reflux

Those who are fond of eating candy when they were young are quite familiar with black and red licorice whips. Aside from being a sweet treat for kids, licorice has a ton of medical benefits.

It has an ability to act as an expectorant and get rid of mucus and phlegm in respiratory track diseases and soothes inflamed membranes. And did you know that licorice root can be the friendliest herb there is for your tummy?


Aside from its ability to fight off several diseases, licorice root is effective as a natural remedy for treating several stomach conditions and leave you with a healthy tummy.

Licorice is one of the most effective remedies to keep your tummy healthy. It is used as a treatment for acid reflux, digestive track inflammation, heartburn, and stomach ulcers.

Licorice - Your Answer to a Fit and Flat Tummy

Aside from treating ulcers, you can also use licorice to keep your tummy flat and reduce bloating. If you feel tight around your belly at the end of the day, most likely you are suffering from bloating.

Although there are several factors that can cause bloating, certain diet and lifestyle changes can keep your tummy flatter, fit and less bloated. Drinking six to eight glasses of water and chewing your food properly can be a good start. Avoiding beans and root vegetables can also prevent bloating. Carbonated drinks like soda can cause fizzy bubbles to get trapped in the tummy and cause bloating so it would be helpful if you avoid these types of drinks. Bloating can also be prevented by detoxifying.

Licorice tea can be used as an excellent detox drink to cleanse the body as it strengthens the liver and kidneys. It stimulates the digestive system and can act as an expectorant.

Drinking licorice root tea allows your body to remove metals and chemical contaminations which can be harmful to the immune system. It can also cut out sugar and sweet cravings from your diet. Since this tea can be highly powerful and effective, it does not need to be consumed daily. You can take it once a week to clear out bodily toxins.

Easy Steps to Make Licorice Tea

  1. Boil 4 to 8 ounces of water. The amount of water will depend on how much tea you would like to make and how mild or concentrated you would like the tea to be.
  2. Add 1 teaspoon of dried licorice root to the saucepan for every 4 ounces of water.
  3. Remove the water from the heat and let it stay in the saucepan for 5 minutes.
  4. Use a fine-mesh kitchen strainer to pour the tea through. Set it over a teapot or a tea cup. No need to add in the dried licorice root.
  5. It is optional to add lemon, turmeric, and honey to enhance its taste.

If you are looking to for ways to detoxify your body, reduce bloating, and battle ulcer, acidity and a range of other illnesses, try licorice as a natural alternative.

It is always a good precaution never to take anything in excess even if it is a natural remedy so take it in moderate amounts. You’ll never know that this is the wonder herb you have been looking for. It will not only soothe your tummy but also cleanse and keep your tummy slim and fit.


Rogers, J. (2013). 9 Health Benefits of Licorice Root | NaturalAlternativeRemedy . [online] NaturalAlternativeRemedy. Available at: http://www.naturalalternativeremedy.com/nine-health-benefits-of-licorice-root/ [Accessed 3 May 2016].

NaturalNews. (2016). Licorice Heals Ulcers, Inflammation, and Skin Conditions . [online] Available at: http://www.naturalnews.com/024440_licorice_ulcers_inflammation.html [Accessed 3 May 2016].

Products, L. (2016). Why Your Stomach Will Love Turmeric and Licorice . [online] Life-enhancement.com. Available at: http://www.life-enhancement.com/magazine/article/1695-why-your-stomach-will-love-turmeric-and-licorice [Accessed 3 May 2016].

Licoricetea.org. (2016). Licorice Tea: Detoxification . [online] Available at: http://www.licoricetea.org/Detox/ [Accessed 3 May 2016].

Ipatenco, S. (2014). How to Make Licorice Root Tea | LIVESTRONG.COM . [online] LIVESTRONG.COM. Available at: http://www.livestrong.com/article/287132-how-to-make-licorice-root-tea/ [Accessed 3 May 2016].

Mail Online. (2015). Experts share their top tips for a slimmer and flatter tummy . [online] Available at: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/food/article-3311752/Experts-share-tips-slimmer-flatter-tummy.html [Accessed 3 May 2016].

Heartspring.net. (2016). Stomach Ulcers and (DGL) Licorice Root Extract by Decker Weiss, NMD . [online] Available at: http://www.heartspring.net/stomach_ulcers_DGL_licorice_root.html [Accessed 3 May 2016].